Here’s a couple of images from the Grimm story The Elves and the Cobbler, which recently appeared in the Japanese children’s magazine Ooki-na Pocket. The magazine is produced by one of the biggest children’s presses in Japan, Fukuinkan Shoten, with which I released two picture books in the 1990’s. The editor is a lovely guy, but seems to have pigeonholed me as solely a “traditional” illustrator of fairy tales. This is despite all my work in advertising (in a very different style) and much more contemporary children’s books released in the West.

I love working in a tradition style on fairy tales, but it is only one side of what I do. When I showed the editor my other, perhaps more well known work, it was somewhat frustrating to hear him say “oh, so you don’t just do fairy tales then”.
Anyway, this was a lovely story to work on.